2025 Competition Information

Sign up here!!!

We are pleased to announce that by popular demand, the trading compeition WILL be taking place in 2025! Check back here for updates as we prepare for another exciting competition.

Prize Bells

This year, Duke has ordered a custom made bell engraved with the Fintech Department logo to be permenantly displayed in our Atrium at Duke. Winning traders will have their name engraved on a plaque under the bell and can bask in glory over the years!

Our official Trading Competition Bell looks like the one pictured to the right. When the completed bell arrives, we will be sure to post here when it is installed in its permanent location at our university.

Winner’s Bell

Individual Winner’s Bell

Traders placing in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place will also receive thier own custom engraved bells to display in their offices to memorialize their trading prowess.

Each winning trader’s individual bell bells may be engraved however the winner chooses and will look like the one pictured to the left.

Important Dates

15 Jan 2025: Installfest

Those located near the Durham NC area are invited to join us at 2PM EST in the Fitzpatrick Atrium for refreshments. We’ll help you install what you need to get signed up for the competition and trading.

Starting at 4pm EST we’ll be available on the Discord channel to provide support and answer questions for those unable to attend in person.

19 Jan 2025: Registration Closes

Registration for the 2025 Competition shuts down at midnight on Sunday, 19 Jan


This is when we’ll begin keeping score. Between registration close on the 19th and competition open on the 22nd, we will hold a few popup help sessions on Discord to help you get set up.


All of your end-of-day Net Account Values between 22 Jan and 03 May 2025 will be used in the calculation of your scores, with 03 May being the final date. After that day the competition will be over and winners will be declared.

The Duke FinTech Trading Competition is a 3-month long event in which student traders from around the world create paper trading accounts at Interactive Brokers and trade anything they want, including stocks, bonds, options, futures, currencies, crypto, and any of the other products offered by Interactive Brokers.

Due to the way in which we score & rank our participants, if you do well in this competition, it’s because you’re a good trader. Furthermore, we’ve introduced a bracket system this year to keep ALL of our traders interested and engaged. In the new system, even if you don’t stand much chance of taking the #1 spot overall, you can still compete for a top rank within your bracket, giving you a hard-earned accomplishment that you can report on your resume or CV.

To see how we accompilsh all this – and what makes us special – check out our scoring philosophy. Then you can begin the sign up process!

As a participating trader in this competition you will:

  • Download Trader Workstation (Interactive Brokers’ professional-grade trading platform) and use it to trade real assets with real market prices using simulated money
  • Join the Gothic Hedge Hub (our companion Discord Server) which you can use to communicate with other traders, the Competition admins, and industry sponsors
  • Gain a chance to show recruiters and the world your trading skills

Go ahead and join now! We’ll look forward to seeing you in the Discord server :)


The Duke FINTECH Trading Competition is a free competition hosted by the FINTECH Program at Duke University.

The Competition is open to any currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate student so long as they have an email address with a .edu extension.

STARTING THIS YEAR we will be extending registration eligibility to all members of the United States Military with an active email address (e.g., .mil).

Participating students are issued $1 million in simulated currency within a paper trading account provided by Interactive Brokers. Students will have the opportunity to trade equities, fixed income, derivatives, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and more, all based on real-time streaming market data using the same user interface and features utilized by professional traders.

The FINTECH program at Duke is inclusive and welcoming. Participation is welcome and encouraged, so please help spread the word! Standings for traders will be posted here and updated daily as data become available. This site will continue to grow as new features are brought onboard so be sure to check back often for updates!!!